What if it goes wrong or I have a problem?
Contact us immediately and we will advise you whether it’s something covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, something associated with our installation, or a general maintenance issue. We will do our very best to resolve any problems for you
How do I keep my wood burner or stove clean?
You will need to periodically empty the ashes from your stove and dispose of them in a safe manner (not in a plastic dustbin!). Otherwise, the body and glass of the stove should need no more than a regular wipe down with soapy water.
Will I need to have my chimney swept?
You will need to get your chimney swept before installation and then regularly once you start using your stove. How often will depend upon usage, but it should be done at least once a year.
Will it be messy to install and/or run?
We will do our best to minimise mess when we install your appliance and, when we leave, will make sure we leave everything as it was. However, due to the nature of the work, there is bound to be some dust and noise. Once installed, all ash, soot and smoke should be confined within the stove when the doors are closed.
How long will it take to install a wood burner or stove?
Usually the whole job can be done in a day, though this can be longer if there are complexities, such as specialist connections, hearth adaptations, etc.
Will you alter my existing fireplace or build a new one if I need it?
We will fit hearthstones where necessary and work with local builders on more complicated alterations.
What if I don’t have a chimney?
This isn’t a problem at all as we can install factory made chimney systems.
Can Somerset Wood Burners supply the stove and all the other bits and pieces?
Yes. We can work with you to decide the best woodburner or stove to buy and provide hearthstones, chimney liners and cowls and any other materials needed to complete the job.
Will I need a chimney liner?
It is recommended that your chimney be lined to optimise performance but in some cases there are alternative solutions, for example, connecting into an existing clay pot lined chimney.
What make and model should I buy?
There are many different makers and numerous styles and designs. HETAS compile a comprehensive list of recommended manufacturers and we would suggest you chose one of these.
What size wood burner/stove do I need?
The physical size and the heat output you’ll need are dependent on the proposed location and will largely be determined by the size of the space to be heated. Our installer can discuss this with you in more detail and help you to decide during a pre-installation visit.
What kind of fuel should I use?
Only wood should be burnt in wood burners, whereas multi-fuel stoves are designed to burn coal, smokeless fuels and peat/turf briquettes as well as logs.
What’s the difference between a wood burner and a multi-fuel stove?
Wood burners have a fixed grate and no ash pan, since wood burns best on a bed of ashes. Multi-fuel stoves have a riddling grate which allows ash to be riddled into a built-in ash pan to create the optimum conditions for efficient combustion.